TVB剛剛播完第一集旅遊特輯「紅葉瀛風」,由楊思琦、溫家偉、湯寶珍主持。一開始時接近約五鐘的簡介都由楊思琦聲演,都心知不妙,到正式介紹時湯寶珍把聲一出,嘩.... 點解可以衰成咁架呢? 比選港姐時更惡頂,咬字唔正、懶音重重、時而扮嗲時而扮低B,點解一個成年人可以咁樣講野先? 而另外溫家偉都唔係好得去邊,礙於廣東話唔靈光,講野逐個字"DUN"出黎,惟有以sell body轉易視線! 思琦姐呢? 查實佢不嬲都以"自然作狀腔"講野,不過比起呢兩件蛋散,即刻順耳好多。
我在FB帶出呢個話題,話恰埋對眼"睇"呢個節目,會以為做緊卡通片,點知有個FRD回應: 「咁套卡通應該係講一個家姐帶兩個智障弟妹遊日本! 」哈當堂笑咗出黎!
其實講樣湯寶珍係唔差,TVB唔該搵人train train佢
7 則留言:
唉,佢把聲已經令佢一炮而紅,引起網民嘅熱烈討論喇,不過係 100% 一致咁鬧。 行下企下咪好囉,都唔知當時係咪尼把聲攪到佢冇哂朋友。
Haha, I am GLAD to see Ria is still with TVB :P She still looks really beautiful.
Bad voices can be trained, I am only not so sure about bad faces.. What are Toby, Sammi and Lisa doing atm?
Shirley Yeung and Charmaine Sheh are very hot stars atm and both of them have that chicken voice. And what about Linda Chung? Ria could be another one. At least she is pretty and very photogenic too. I see potential in her.
Btw can I watch this episode of them in Japan on youtube or smth like that? Is there a link? :)
@Fun: 直頭要聯埋個咀
@KK: 好多網友誤以為佢o靚模出身添, 其實如果佢真係去選國姐唔知會點
@longy: wow Ria's voice is far worse than those u mentioned!!! I think you can BT the episode? I can't find it on
ria is actually very pretty. maybe her voice will make her famous. hahas
其實呢個特輯真係拍得佢最靚喎!如果唔出聲, 真係呃得下人~!