
乜咁經典 ─ 94港姐同臭四拍外景

時為1994年4月,一眾94候選港姐與當時仍然脾氣好臭既鄭秀文一齊出席酒會,預祝往意大利拍攝外景順利!  但唔見吳奇隆喎!


2 則留言:

longy 提到...

nice year. still remember the top 5 segment where theresa and halina really shined. nathalie wong was so lucky to be in top 5 cause i dont think she was that special at all.

i liked the songs of sammi tho... chotto matte and ding dong!

still remember #17's profile pic... her face was like soooooooo fat!!!

TT 提到...

#17's look was indeed quite scary, i don't know why she was often in top 5 of that telephone poll!